Monday, August 24, 2009

Just another manic Monday........

Well, the new formula (Neocate Jr) is doing good, here is what I've learned sofar.... First, tropical neocate makes him smell like tang allday skin, pee, sweat, everything. And Chocolate Neocate makes him smell like chocolate necco wafers. Also, Lucas dosen't like the chocolate one AT ALL.... With that said, we've decided to just stick to the unflavored, I think that since he is just eating through a tube, and your tastebuds are in your mouth, flavors aren't really much of a need and is rather just an inconvienent extra at this point.

Today Lucas has his routine OT visit, since we have to retrain him to eat we need to show him that food is fun and won't hurt him, so now he gets to do what every parent has at one point or another said to there child, you ready for his, he gets to play with his food! I get to put his food on his tray and give him a spoon and let me get as messy as he wants and not touch it or stop him, since its always been instilled in me to not play with your food, this is harder then yeah think, he sits and plays with babyfood bananas and makes a HUGE mess and I just get to sit there and do.....nothing!

Dylan did very well during the visit today, he is doing alot better with the fact that Lucas is getting the attention and not him, he still has his moments but given the circumstances and everything he's had to deal with this past year I think he is doing beautifully. He is however, testing the waters on what he is able to do by himself and what decisions he can make on his own, he's becoming very independent, and at times I miss my little boy. Why do they need to grow up again?

Anyways, off to try and get Lucas to bed, hopefully he falls asleep soon and stays sleeping.....

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