Friday, September 18, 2009

We've been busy......

Ok, so we've had alot going on, which is why I haven't had a chance to update the blog. Labor day weekend we went to the Hopkinton State Fair for the day, Dylan had a great time. I'll post pics later, but Dylan enjoyed seeing all the animals, especially the pig named Wilber, he weighted over 800 pounds and was taller then the pen that he was in. He also liked mooing at the cows. There was a petting zoo that he fed goats in and we also saw a horse that was over 1000pounds. He also was able to watch the demolition derby, he loved how all the cars were crashing and since he was sitting in the front row he was covered in mud when it was over. Steve said he ended up falling asleep, on his shoulders in the middle of the last run, I'm so glad he had a good time, he deserves it. He also bought himself his very own cowboy hat from a real cowboy! Lucas also enjoyed the fair he sat in his stroller for most of the day just watching the people and animals.

The following week, Dylan started preschool, he went last year aswell, so it made it easy for him to get into the swing of things at the school. I'm glad he's doing well and hoping he will make great strides this year. He also started soccer. He is super excited about playing and practices all the time (ofcourse he practices more inside then outside) He is in a program that has 4 soccer teams in his age group and he will be having practices and games this season. I wasen't able to attend the 1st practice, but will post pics of his 2nd practice that I should be able to go to this saturday. He has also grown ALOT, I had to start shopping in the boys section of the store instead of the toddler section. I held out aslong as I could, but the time has come, my little boy is growing up, literally.....

Lucas is still having his highs and lows. He has started clapping in excitement and also has learned to yell, he yells at everything! He yells at the cats to get there attention, he yells and claps in excitement when he watches Dylan play and run around, and he yells at me and the Dr's when he isn't getting any attention. He is getting better at sitting independently and can sit for almost a minute before he falls backwards. I think he falls backwards when he realizes that your sitting next to him and not behind him, but this is something we are working on. His neurosurgeon cleared him from the surgery at his post op visit and says everything has healed wonderfully. His eating and vomiting however, has gotten worse. Last week he vomited so much his GI wanted to have a GJ Tube placed (its a tube that basically bypasses the stomach so the food dosen't sit there) we were hoping that this would "fix" the problem. So, I packed him up and went to Dartmouth in Hanover (not by choice, since I don't particularly like this hospital,but since its was a quick in/out procedure, I agreed.) 2 hrs into the 90min procedure the radiologist let me know that they weren't able to place this tube since his lower stomach muscle wouldn't open at all, because of this he was admitted......In the interest of time, long story short, we were in the hospital for 3 days, they never looked at his stomach, only his head, kidneys, liver, and galbladder, they medicated him with an antiseizure med to stop the vomiting (since it did stop it, I was fine with him starting this med) and we were finally able to leave. They also switched his tube out to a Mic key button so feeding would be easier, and time off the pump less stressful.

This brings us to today. Lucas has been up since 3am vomiting (it started slowly on wed, and has progressively gotten worse) He has now vomited everything that he has been given through his pump. I'm waiting for the Dr's office to open to see what they would like me to do.

I have pics of Dylans first day of school, the day at the fair, and also pics of Lucas both in and out of the hospital that I will post later. I need to get the kids dressed to bring Dylan to school.....

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