Monday, June 15, 2009

over the weekend

Well, not much happened since I last posted. A visiting nurse came by to check on Lucas and his feeding tube, she said it looked great, just a little red and to keep an eye on it. Dylan, Lucas and I were able to take a walk on Friday since the rain stopped for alittle bit and it was quite interesting. Dylan has a powerwheels Jeep that he got from a neighbor of ours and he has decided that he is a race car driver in this Jeep, so I had Dylan zooming up and down the street (he reminded me of the shriner guys that ride the mini cars in the parade), Lucas was comfy in his Jeep stroller he was pushing all the buttons and "driving" it aswell, and then there was me, running to keep up with Dylan. There has got to be something wrong with that picture, I'm the oldest and I was running, not driving or riding, but running. My neighbors all came out to see us, and they agreed, I should have been getting the ride, not Dylan.... Saturday, Dylan went to the park with his Aunt Natalie and cousin Dakota, Lucas watched Dylan playing on the playground while I ran an errand, it was wierd being on my own without any kids, I really didn't know what to do with myself and hurried back just so I could have the commotion of 2 kids. Sunday, we went to a family dinner to celebrate Uncle Jay's bday, Dylan liked saying "happy birthday....old man" and then he'd run away.. It was really cute. Also, Sunday, Lucas reached up for me from his bouncer, this was a first for him since it was the first time that he had reached out with both his arms without me asking him to . He was grunting at me and blowing raspberries at me and I looked up at him and he had his arms out towards me. It was a great moment... Today we have our regular OT visit, I'll post more later....

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